Welcome to my little part of the world! Or my confusion that is! These are just my ramblings and thoughts of days as they pass. Maybe one day it will be something I will want to look back on and remember. It's also a way to keep up with friends and how they are doing and seeing insides there lives as well. I also find blogging a great way to really see what you did each day, and it also shows you the areas where you can improve and your strong points. I highly suggest it to anyone! Hope you enjoy my blog!
I'm the mother to three totally rambunctious short people, and I'm also married to the greatest man on earth (I know I don't say that out loud, but I always just know it!) I also work full-time in a very busy physicians practice and I love my job!
Infield Madness....Let me take you to the Derby Part I
I am an avid people watcher! Some might find it odd, but I love to get me a spot and lounge in my chair and have a few drinks and watch people!!! And there is no better place for a people watcher than the In Field at the Kentucky Derby!!! Now mind you a lot of these pictures were taken while I was intoxicated, so they are not of the best quality....but it's the subjects that make the pictures!!! Plus sometimes when you have moving targets and you aren't really close and trying to use your zoom from your chair your husband has you firmly planted in for your own safety while he places your bets and gets your drinks can get a little bit tricky!
This man in the wedding dress sat a few feet away from us, he was cracking me up!! I have always been very puzzled and perplexed as to why you go dress up to do Derby in the In Field....dressing up is for the grand stands and box seats and millionaire's row......though it makes for good amusement when this chick and her three friends all in dresses, heels and hats, are out in the muddy field with the wind blowing to high heavens trying to lay out their tarp and keep their heels from sinking and their hats on there heads! lol People kept getting in my way so I couldn't get the funnier shots... Even nuns have to party It's Derby people!!!! I like this picture....not sure why.......it's a random thing! I swear on a normal day this is NOT how people dress in Kentucky!!!! But anything goes! Look it's Fred Flinstone! He even knows how to party Derby Style!!!!! I acutally thought these hats were pretty cool! Um....I don't think the Colonel had dark hair? The following pictures I did not take, but they were things I saw in the infield and wanted to share! So I borrowed them from my local papers website..... This dude was part of about a 10 guy crew for Breast Cancer awareness! They all had on pink scrubs and even had their inflatable furniture set up.....this area was definitely not G nor R...more like X or P for the Porn section....and honey I'm not just talking some boobs! I would honestly blush if I told you what exactly happened on that inflatable couch.....which was being video taped and watched by hundreds and hundreds...even the cops gave their binoculars a work out! I think what happened was actually illegal.... I just honestly hope the girl wasn't from Louisville and pity her mother when it shows up on YouTube!
1 comment:
Great Post Chelle!! I'm a total people watcher too so this was definately a post I enjoyed! lol. so... what happened on the inflatable couch?!
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