Welcome to my little part of the world! Or my confusion that is! These are just my ramblings and thoughts of days as they pass. Maybe one day it will be something I will want to look back on and remember. It's also a way to keep up with friends and how they are doing and seeing insides there lives as well. I also find blogging a great way to really see what you did each day, and it also shows you the areas where you can improve and your strong points. I highly suggest it to anyone! Hope you enjoy my blog!
I'm the mother to three totally rambunctious short people, and I'm also married to the greatest man on earth (I know I don't say that out loud, but I always just know it!) I also work full-time in a very busy physicians practice and I love my job!
We didn't have much time to sight see while we were gone this weekend, but Sunday we did hit Newport, Kentucky which is just a bridge drive to Cincinnati....we wanted to eat lunch down on the river front before we left and hit a few shops!
This was the fireman who my sister in law took a picture of, I do believe that was Laura's idea.....and they did ring their bell for us without us even asking! Amy said she took this picture because it reminded her of Brie......she was my photographer as I was driving! I kept saying Hey Amy get that, get this! She loves me...
I thought that building was cool over on the left....I'm not even sure what it is! Just one of the bridges And another bridge And another......this was actually our view from the patio at Claddagh Irish Pub, it was so nice just sitting on the patio and eating, enjoying the view and the nice weather we had that day.
I tried to get a picture of one of the paddle boats that came by, but the railing was getting in my way from where I was sitting. This was one of the little shopping squares there, they had a guy on stilts making balloon animals for the kids. This was Brio again.....I just love this little restaurant...I've never ate there, I just love the look and the fountain they have out front... Hey it's me! There is a story behind this.....this is right on the corner of Pete Rose Blvd, and Broadway in Cincy....right by the stadium! No where in Newport had a White Cincinnati Reds hat.....so we drove over the bridge and they dropped me off at the corner by a vendor and they were circling the block while I made my purchases for James.....he got a new shirt out of it to while I waited on them!
As we were going back over the bridge! More on the bridge And more.... And more This was for James I'm sure........ That was his hat......that I had to pull teeth to get! lol Amy Amy...shut the window, don't let it blow out the window...AMy Amy...I'm shutting the window! lol That's the cool Raddison Hotel in the back...it's circular..... The Cincinnati sky line........it's really pretty....I wish we could have seen it from this angle at night.... Look that's me in the rearview mirror.........Amy you can stop taking pics now Honestly I've never been in a car with so many back seat drivers in my life........ Look we are on our way home.......... I looked in my rear view mirror one more time to see if Bret's tour bus was trying to catch us and get us to go on tour with him........ Awwwww, well a girl can dream!
That's our Cincinnati/Poison Adventure........
Stay tuned as I chase Bret around my area of the country......
For those of you who know me well know that I've been a HUGE Poison fan since I was around um, 12 or so....and I've always had a thing for Bret Michaels......it must be that bad boy thing...ya know I got it! lol This is my friend Karen.....she mostly a Kid Rock fan.....but her favorite in Poison is CeCe.....I agree with her about him playing a mean guitar because he does.... This is Morgane.......isn't she adorable.... And Laura......she was big in the 80's.......ask her college class mates and Spug! lol hehe You love me! Look it's me! You know me right? Or else you wouldn't be reading my blog....and if not drop a line and get to know me! This is my sister in law Amy.....she's the best sister in law in the world and my favorite sister in law.....which I remind her whenever I'm drunk...and she always says BUT I'm your ONLY sister in Law.....she's still my favorite.....and she was going to drive me to the Blue Note to see Bret.....thanks Aimes! I think she snuck this picture in during the concert...I bet you $10 she sent this to my brother in law! See what a good sister in law does.....she got me this crotch shot of Bret! See what happened was....I had my camera, extra batteries, HUGE memory card and I was set and ready to go! NOPE....security got me....thing was you could take in cameras but mine was too big! Nuts I tell you! So lucky for us, my SIL had her blackberry with a camera on it! Wooot!We had really good seats! You can't tell that much in this picture, but we were in the second section back...20th row.....
I went ahead and posted most of the pics and didn't edit them out because hey it was a camera phone! lol Did I tell you all it ROCKED!!!!!
We loved this t-shirt this guy had on!!!!!
Look there's CeCe and Bret! This is me and Morgane....we were having a really good time! Um I think at that point I had lost count of my drinks! Yeah at this point I had TOTALLY LOST count of my drinks!!!! Laura was chilling.......I think this was during Dokken......
There is Cece, Bret and Bobby!! The moon and the crowd........ Me and Laura.....um Amy "Laura, you are suppose to look at the camera not me" lol Dang Bret looks really tall there....but I don't think he's much taller than me.....
Toes, toes toes......and just so Terri know I did not take this picture....it was Amy!! I'm the one in the pink! lol Now Laura got the shot right! lol OMG did I say they rocked!!!!! Me and AMy......
My head.....Morgane's tongue!
After the concert while we were waiting for the crowd to thin out........the only dissapointment I had was that they didn't play "I won't forget you" or " Life Goes On"
Oh and there was even a fight!!! Bloody..I tell ya! And this woman hit the security guard with her flip flop! lol That was funny! That was all before Poison came on though!
Karen after the show on our way to the Truck!
Loading up girls!!!!! Say cheese!!! Amy....did I mention she's my FAVORITE sister in Law....she was our DD! That's why I love her! Me and Laura after the show! Deer in Headlights? Um Actually Deer in Camera Flash! lol I love you Amy! Me and Karen......oh I am so totally wasted in that picture!
That's my Poison Adventure!!!!! Hopefully I'll be able to show you all my Bret Michaels Band adventure if I decide to get tickets to LRS fest her in Louie on September 14th.....that is to be determined yet...September is a busy month, but they are filming the 1st episode of Rock of Love 3 here........